Areas of immediate concern to Stephen are:
Rescuing politics from the grasp of career opportunists by derailing the proverbial ‘gravy train’ and linking TDs wages to the economy.
Ensuring the restoration, protection and development of rural Ireland.
Ending widespread waste and incompetence in the public sector.
Enforcing public ownership of the banks and introducing real accountability for reckless management in all of our publicly-
Keeping people in their homes by implementing humane solutions to the mortgage arrears crisis, and by removing or radically modifying the bank veto.
Respecting the ownership of our national and natural resources and returning the profits to the Irish people – not to outside corporations.
Reforming the justice and policing systems by ending political appointments.
Establishing a genuinely independent ‘statutory oversight body’ staffed by credible, qualified professionals, to deal with the historical problem of corruption, cronyism and criminal cover-
Establishing an independent Judicial Council to deal with judicial misconduct.
Revoke State funding for political parties; to be redistributed to individual TDs.
Abolish the party whip system & restore real democratic process to the Dail.
Restore the power of referendum to the people (see the 1Yi campaign).
Reinstate Article 48!
Stephen speaks at launch of 1st Ind Mayo initiative
As well as being the National Administrator of the Integrity Ireland Association, Stephen is a co-
Both of these initiatives aim to restore ‘direct democracy’ back to the Irish people.
A Simple Political Premise..
Elect honest candidates!
Instead of swallowing the same old lies and media spin of the major parties every 5 years -
pledge or promise as soon as they get into power.. why not consider electing ONLY honest individuals who will put the interests of the country and of the Irish people first? We already have a fully-
Instead of the public service being engaged (as they are now) in protecting the interests of a shadowy elite who are in effect plundering the country for their own illegitimate ends -
All the expertise and resources are already in place. All that’s missing is the political will to direct the Irish public and civil service arms (who are being paid directly from the public purse) to simply do their jobs right; that is, to operate from the viewpoint of saving the taxpayer unnecessary costs and expense, and of delivering good value to the people. This means good value to ALL of the people, and NOT just those from the Minister’s own constituency or circle of private and business contacts.
The major parties have demonstrated time after time that they simply cannot be trusted in this regard -
Perhaps it’s time to give a coalition of independents the opportunity to try something different? The worn-