“We can confirm that there has been only ONE source of complaints against Stephen Manning since June 2009”
An Garda Síochána
“Only ONE person lodged complaints about this referee to the local soccer authorities during the period 2007-2009.”
Local Soccer Authority
“The officials of only ONE soccer club in Mayo refused to cooperate with the investigation.”
FAI Investigating Officer
“We have absolutely no concerns whatsoever..”
HSE Child Protection Services (in response to anonymous allegations, also posted online)
“He has been fully vetted and cleared by the FAI, An Garda Síochána, Special Olympics and two other international sports agencies..”
“Over 700 incidents of harassment, intimidation, property damage and abuse against Mr Manning and his family have been documented since June 2009.. These include numerous ‘anonymous’ phone calls, death threats and the setting up of false profiles on internet dating sites.” - Counsel for the Plaintiff.
“Five separate criminal investigations into these incidents are ongoing.. and files have been sent to the DPP.”
Chief Superintendent Thomas Curley - An Garda Síochána
“He is not suing the local soccer club. He is suing the individuals responsible for constructing and publishing a defamatory letter, who, despite several offers, have repeatedly refused to retract and apologise. He is simply trying to clear his name.”
Counsel for the Plaintiff
August 2009 - Nov 2010 - Orchestrated campaign of intimidation and defamation on Facebook and several other online sites. Anonymous contacts variously threaten, intimidate and harass, and seek to ‘negotiate’ the closure of the case. Over 700 incidents are documented over an 18-month period, ranging from scores of false internet ads; a number of false profiles on sex-dating websites; numerous anonymous attacks on internet forums; anonymous allegations being sent to HSE Child Protection Services; and physical assaults and attempted assaults by misinformed locals. The Manning’s pet goat is poisoned and vehicles anonymously vandalised. Gardai state that ‘criminal investigations are ongoing’.
Feb 14th 2010 - Masked attackers visit a ‘punishment beating’ on a close neighbour in a case of apparent ‘mistaken identity’. Attackers eventually arrested when local resident tails them after believing they were stealing heating oil. The Mannings are ‘reliably informed’ by a directly connected source, that the attack was meant for them. Gardai fail to return to investigate further, telling the Mannings, “we know all about this case”, but all newspaper accounts state that the Gardai believe it was a case of mistaken identity!?
In a highly suspicious development, the Mannings later discover that the person tailing the suspects after the attack is told by Westport Gardai to “back off and stop following them!”?
March 2010 - Irish Times reports that one of the attackers is shot dead in Dundalk by ‘two tall, unidentified assailants’. (Gardai report in the media that several arrests ensue, but as of May 2015 the crime still remains officially ‘unsolved’.)
Nov 2010 - Discovering that they have been systematically lied to by Gardai, and becoming increasingly disturbed by the clandestine, underhanded activities of certain local Gardai, the Mannings make an approach to the Garda Ombudsman. Anonymous sources advise Mr Manning, “We will give you your life back if you drop the civil case and all related matters.”
November 2010 - Westport Circuit Court: 1st and 2nd named Defendants George Collins and Philip McNulty fail to respect a Court Order to release information to the Mannings. The Judge declares to their solicitor, “I hope they have brought their pyjamas!?” Mr Manning receives an anonymous warning that he is ‘about to receive a big surprise.’
November 25th 2010 - A shocking, disgusting letter is sent anonymously to the HSE Child Protection Services and posted online on the Venompen website, accusing Mr Manning of the most heinous crimes against women and children. Despite being subsequently cleared by the HSE, the letter stays online in a public forum for nearly two years.
(We would later issue Defamation proceedings as against George Collins for being the author)
Feb 2011 - UK Police confirm they have data from Facebook USA that could identify the source of the defamatory Facebook materials in Wexford. They offer to give the data to local Gardai. The Mannings and their solicitor urge the local Chief Superintendent Thomas Curley and Garda Headquarters to collect this information on numerous occasions over a period of 5 years, but no member of the Gardai ever contacts the UK Police - even after the Mannings lodge a Court action naming three senior Gardai as suspects in those same attacks!?
Feb 22nd 2011 - Westport Circuit Court awards all costs and maximum damages against the nine co-defendants.
“The plaintiff [Mr Manning] strikes me to be a decent man whose good name is paramount in his life. He worked as a school teacher with an unblemished character and there is no doubt that he is grievously hurt by the accusations. You will find in rural areas like Achill these type of smears spread like wildfire,”
Circuit Court Judge
(See Mayo News article here)
Feb - March 2011 - Defendants initiate a costly appeals process stating they will ‘seeks their costs’ against the plaintiff.
March 2011 - Gardai Chief Superintendent Thomas Curley confirms in writing that ‘suspects have been arrested, detained and questioned (regarding the campaign of criminal harassment) with a view to criminal prosecutions’. The Mannings are told they will be the first to know their identities - once the DPP makes a decision whether to prosecute or not.
The Mannings contact the Office of the DPP enquiring about the progress of the criminal investigations. After repeated requests the DPP eventually says, “Files have been received from Westport Gardai and directions have been issued.”
In a recorded, witnessed phone conversation, Westport Gardai admit that the files sent to the DPP contained no named suspects. ‘So, how can you NOT prosecute unidentified nobodies?’ Ask the Mannings. ‘And why weren’t the suspects you arrested and detained named in those files?’ No proper response either from the Gardai or the DPP!
May 2011 - Defendants request ‘settlement talks’ but then, no defendants turn up at the venue. Plaintiff insists that any money offered in compensation must NOT come from Achill Rovers Soccer Club - but only from the individuals responsible.
July 2011 - After six adjournments, a judicial review orders that the A-R case be heard again in the Circuit Court.
Sept 2011 - Despite previous promises, Gardai and DPP still refuse to disclose identities of suspects. All senior authority figures subsequently approached for explanations (including Garda HQ, the Garda Ombudsman Commissioners, Ministers for Justice & Taoiseach Enda Kenny) refuse to give proper explanations, and refuse to meet the Mannings to discuss the matter.
October 2011 - When the Garda Ombudsman utterly fails to investigate formal complaints concerning possible criminal activity by certain Gardai, the Mannings issue civil proceedings naming one lay-defendant, and a Chief Superintendent, a Superintendent and a Sergeant of Gardai for their parts in the ‘anonymous’ attacks against the Mannings. Those named were George Collins, Chief Superintendent Thomas Curley, Superintendent Mick Murray and Sergeant Pat O’Hora.
November 2011 - The Mannings launch another separate defamation case against the same lead Defendant concerning the defamatory HSE letter written in November 2010. (As of May 2015, the ‘connected’ Defendant in this case George Collins has failed to appear in 17 scheduled case hearings - but still, the Courts refuse to take proper action.)
Dec 7th 2011 - A-R case is listed in Castlebar. Defendants make approaches to settle out of Court again, but plaintiff insists on a statement of vindication, and confirmation that any compensation will NOT come from Achill Rovers soccer club. He gets no response.
January 16th 2012 - Second assailant in the ‘Valentines Day attack’ on Achill gets 12 years in jail. He maintains ‘it was a case of mistaken identity.’ Judge Tony Hunt says, ‘That doesn’t matter, you didn’t try hard enough to get the right person!’
Tues Feb 14th 2012 - A-R defamation case listed again for hearing at Westport Circuit Court. Lead defendant not in attendance due to alleged illness - but is nevertheless photographed at work on the same day. Some evidence heard. Judge describes some of the anonymous attacks against the Mannings as ‘horrific stuff’. Case carried over to Feb 16th in Ballina.
Wed Feb 15th 2012 - Plaintiff discovers three previously unseen written statements indicating perjury on the part of two defence witnesses and a deliberate conspiracy both before and after-the-fact concerning the A-R defamatory letter.
Thurs Feb 16th 2012 - Lead defendant in A-R case makes ‘miraculous recovery’ to attend Court. Defendants make several efforts to ‘settle’ the case including offers of financial compensation and the reading out of a formal apology in Court. Plaintiff rejects their belated apology as misleading, contrived and insincere, and presents a statement of truth for them to sign.
Judge denounces original A-R defamatory letter as, ‘utterly malicious.. and false.. at least in parts.’ Defence makes substantial offer ‘in settlement’ of the claim. Stephen Manning refuses to accept any monies that come from Achill Rovers’ funds on the basis that the club should NOT be penalised for the criminal actions of one or two lead Defendants.
Newspaper report of the hearing here.
April 2012: Launch of the Integrity Ireland project

Nov 2012: After some independent research, another defamation suit is issued in the High Court naming seven co-defendants in October 2012 for the three defamatory statements written in June 2009, to include charges of fraud and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Several criminal complaints are lodged with Gardai naming some of the A-R defendants, certain affiliated solicitors, and certain senior Gardai and civil servants for their part in a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. As of Nov 2015, it appears that no action whatsoever has been taken by the authorities - other than to sweep everything under the carpet.
Gardai decide ‘there is insufficient evidence’ to pursue criminal investigations despite never ever asking the Mannings to provide any evidence!? Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan, Minister of Justice Alan Shatter, An Taoiseach Enda Kenny T.D. and others are alerted, but to date (May 2015) no proper responses or actions are forthcoming, and all of them refuse to meet with the Mannings to discuss the situation. Taoiseach Enda Kenny in particular has failed to properly respond to over twenty letters requesting an ‘urgent meeting’ regarding the fact that he appears to be ‘personally connected’ to the lead Defendant and certain of his criminal associates.
(Documents and census records in our possession indicate that George Collins is a 2nd cousin to Taoiseach Enda Kenny)
June 2013 - Judgment awarded against the Defendant in the 2010 HSE/Venompen letter case. Damages to be awarded in Nov 2013. The Mannings ask the judge why the 5 month delay? Judge Donagh McDonagh responds, “procedure”.
Nov 8th 2013 - When solicitor Dermot Morahan and the individual Defendants refuse to acknowledge 17 formal letters from the Mannings over a period of 12 months, a Motion for Judgement in Default of a Defence is lodged in the High Court in Dublin. Defence given ‘two weeks’ to enter a defence. They fail to do so, and, fail to respond to another 2 warning letters. Another Motion issued for hearing on Dec 16th 2013.
Nov 2013 - Defendant George Collins fails to turn up for the Circuit Court hearing in Castlebar regarding HSE letter and awarding of damages. Doctor sends in handwritten sick note, but Plaintiffs not notified. Damages hearing adjourned again until Feb 18th 2014 at a ‘peremptory’ hearing - meaning that the Defendant MUST be there!
January 2014 - Two men ‘dressed in black’ turn up at the Manning home demanding to see Stephen Manning. They refuse to give their names or reasons for being there. Two local Gardai arrive and threaten to “find another way in” if the door isn’t opened. Manning girls (aged 12 & 14) left terrified. Standoff continues for 45 minutes.
See Sunday Business Post article here (or with SBP subscription here)
(We now know that the two men in black were Paul Collins and his stepson Stephen Collins. Paul Collins is a criminal from the UK, the proverbial ‘missing link’ in many of the attacks against us, and the younger brother of George Collins)
January 2014 - appointment sought with local Chief Superintendent Finbar (Barry) O’Brien to enquire as to what was going on? Appointment subsequently cancelled without explanation. No explanations given.
Gardai lodge a knowingly false referral-report to HSE Child Protection Services (TUSLA). Complaint made to the Garda Ombudsman. Unbelievably, GSOC finds that there was ‘no Garda misconduct’.
The Manning family lodges High Court actions against certain agencies of the State for various serious offences including conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
January 2014 to February 2015 - the unidentified ‘men in black’ are facilitated in 22 Court Hearings in the Circuit Court, the High Court and the Court of Appeal, all of which are utterly illegal. Several Hearings are held in the Manning’s absence, and forged and fraudulent documents are presented. Previous legitimate rulings and judgements are overturned, and a whole series of obstructive tactics are deployed against the Mannings by senior Courts Service Staff and members of the judiciary in an apparent attempt to frustrate efforts to move legitimate cases forwards. More criminal complaints are lodged with the Gardai naming several senior Gardai, civil servants and judges for offences against the administration of justice.
February 2014 - in a series of utterly farcical convolutions involving the lead Defendant George Collins, his brother Paul (one of the ‘men in black’), a local Commissioner for Oaths John Cafferkey, County Registrar Fintan Murphy and three Judges of the Circuit Court (Groarke, McCabe, Heneghegan) the Mannings are subjected to an unbelievable series of illegalities and deceptions clearly designed to thwart the progress of the cases as against the lead Defendant who did NOT turn up for this supposedly ‘peremptory’ hearing. Formal complaints are made to the Chief Justice of Ireland who responds; “Sorry, but there is no facility at present to complain about the conduct of a judge.”
Nov 2014 - After another series of illegitimate hearings are facilitated by certain judges in the High Court (O’Neill, Kearns, Ryan & others) and after the Mannings lodge criminal complaints with Gardai about those Judges; the ‘men in black’ physically assault and threaten to kill Stephen Manning in the High Court. Formal complaint lodged with the Gardai supported by seven I-I witnesses. No action is taken by Gardai - and none of the witness are ever contacted despite everything (apparently) being recorded on Court cctv.
The previously unidentified ‘men in black’ turn out to be relatives of the lead Defendant in the A-R case, as well as being ‘personally connected’ to Taoiseach Enda Kenny. All efforts to secure explanations or responses from Mr Kenny to date have proven fruitless.
One of the ‘men in black’ turns out to be Paul Collins - a career criminal with a long criminal record and jail time in the UK. Despite several criminal complaints being made to Gardai by the Mannings and others, Gardai appear curiously disinterested in prosecuting?
Man in black claims to be unemployed, but lives on a remote stud-farm in Wexford, Gilligan-style, complete with guard dogs, security, CCTV, and lots of ‘Keep Out’ warning signs. He has made strident efforts to hide his true identity and location. But why? See exposé here.
May 2015 - Stephen Manning is selected as one of the prospective candidates for the 1st Independent Mayo political initiative. Read bio-profile here.
Unfortunately, all is not as it seems, and the campaign collapses spectacularly..
May 6th 2015 - In-Court confrontation with Judge Raymond Groarke, President of the Circuit Court over his ‘handling’ of the HSE/Venompen case. Letter of complaint sent to Chief Justice Susan Denham. No reply!
Summer 2015 - Attempts to prosecute a Garda Sergeant and a County Registrar are subverted by clandestine (and illegal) activity by certain solicitors, judges and Courts Service Staff. Vexatious traffic summonses delivered to the Manning home by Gardai in ‘odd’ circumstances. Integrity Ireland project gaining real traction with social media. Insider information advises that our communications are being interfered with by Gardai. Formal complaints to An Post about missing mail. Enda Kenny dodges meeting Stephen again.
July 2015 - Judge Karen Fergus presides over the 17th Hearing in the HSE/Venompen case. George Collins not there again! Brother Paul (the criminal from the UK) again attempts to ‘legally represent’ his brother, despite this being completely against Court Rules, and despite Paul Collins being denied the right to speak in the High Court. Judge Fergus nevertheless allows him to speak despite our repeated protestations. Long, drawn out hearing ensues with a lot of seemingly pointless questions being asked by the judge. Second part of Hearing then adjourned to October!
September-October 2015 - George Collins mysteriously ‘disappears’ from his rented cottage in Achill, and no-one seems to know where he’s gone! The stated fact (by his brother Paul) that George was ‘too sick’ to attend Court these past 5 years doesn’t seem to have prevented George taking holidays to Canada and imbibing regularly at his local watering hole! It must have been such hard work dragging those alleged ‘life-saving medical machines’ around everywhere!
November 2015 - Version 1 of The Integrity Ireland SOS Guide published, and Stephen pledges to the ‘Reinstate Article 48’ political initiative in preparation for a prospective run as an independent candidate (and an I-I Member) in the upcoming general election. Anything that puts a spotlight on the I-I project and community is surely worth a shot!?
Nov 2015 - Hearings in Dublin and Roscommon regarding vexatious traffic summonses result in one case being struck out on appeal (but no expenses paid to us despite clear evidence of wrongdoing by Gardai/DPP’s Office) and Stephen, his daughter and an I-I colleague being assaulted by Dublin Gardai in Judge Alan Mitchell’s Court. Guards return to the Courtroom to delete evidence of assaults recorded on public phones. Private criminal charges of assault, physical harm and criminal damage to be pressed vs Gardai.
Nov 2015 - Stephen refused the right to speak on behalf of Joe Doocey in the local Circuit Court - despite the fact that Paul Collins had been allowed to masquerade as ‘an attorney’ in the Circuit Court, High Court, and Court of Appeal in over 18 Hearings! Incredible double-standards!
Dec 3rd 2015 - Part 2 of the assessment of damages hearing scheduled for Castlebar Circuit Court. Witness subpoenas ‘refused’ at the door by George Collins’ previous landlady Nora English… (whose son just happens to be the previous local Chairperson of Young Fine Gael).. mmm, will the Judge issue contempt of Court summons we wonder..?
Dec 3rd 2015, Judge Karen Fergus demonstrates to all present the reason why we are all losing confidence in the judiciary and the Courts. An appalling display of judicial discrimination whereby we are refused our fundamental right to call witnesses and question them on the stand. No sanctions either for two others who failed or refused to comply with legitimate summonses. All-in-all a farcical display of outright bias towards the Defendant George Collins (absent again) and his criminal brother Paul Collins, still claiming to be his brother’s ‘attorney’ and claiming George is ‘too sick’ to attend Court.. Funny that - because George was seen jogging on the beach less than a month ago! Judge Fergus not interested in that evidence either! Final hearing scheduled for Dec 14th.