We assigned the term ‘The Missing Link’ to this previously-
This man has several brothers -
That brother rented a cottage from the sister-
At the time, The Missing Link was listed as a director of an ‘international’ company -
UK sources report that The Missing Link had a ‘cosy’ relationship with local police when he lived in Kent, UK up to 2006 and would often refer to his ‘inside connections’ when trying to impress or intimidate others.
UK sources who personally knew him advise that he had multiple difficulties with other neighbours; that he seemed to have ‘a serious personality disorder’; an obsessive preoccupation with labelling and accusing others of sexual wrongdoing; that he left large debts behind; and was also accused of immoral sexual activities with a member of his own extended family. (All of which he ‘projects’ onto others when making false allegations against his numerous targets).
Newspaper reports refer to a man of the same age, with the same name, living in Kent, UK, who did prison time in a facility for ‘serious offenders’. That the same man was re-
A man with the same name, of the same age and also living in Kent was named amongst a dozen high-
The Missing Link arrived in Ireland around this time. Later moving to a remote location near an isolated beach, he proceeded to install CCTV, guard dogs and ‘No Trespassing’ signs; then purchased an old hearse ‘to do up’ before proceeding to alienate himself amongst the local population; by not paying monies owed to workers, and generally being his usual charming self.
Almost immediately, he became embroiled in a dispute with the owner of the property. Brandishing a firearm and with hired security guards at hand, he prevented the owner from inspecting his own property and called the Gardai claiming that HE (The Missing Link) had been threatened. (Link)
Eventually, the owners emigrated to Australia in order to escape the criminal’s unwanted attentions, but all in vain, because he then contacted Australian immigration to try to stir up residency problems for them; he also stalked their relatives; intimidated their 14-